When selecting a currency to receive your earnings, make sure it's one supported by your receiving account.
You check the countries/regions and currencies supported by Wise on the pages below.
Countries and regions supported by Wise
Currencies supported by Wise
Moreover, Wise allows transfers using the recipient's e-mail address for all currencies except for the following.
Yuan Renminbi
For transfers via Alipay, you'll need to provide your Alipay account ID (the associated e-mail address or phone number) and the recipient's name.
For details on receiving Yuan Renminbi through Alipay, see Wise's guide.
How to Send and Receive CNY via Alipay
US Dollar
If using a non-US bank account, you must provide additional information like codes or the recipient’s address.
Make sure you have the correct SWIFT/BIC code, IBAN (or another number that identifies your account), which you might need to look up or find on your bank statement.