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About pixivFANBOX
What is pixivFANBOX?
pixivFANBOX is a service that allows creators to build and manage t...
How do I view FANs only content?
You can view FANs only content available on pixivFANBOX by subscrib...
What kind of creators can use pixivFANBOX?
Anyone with a pixiv account can easily sign up as a creator on pixi...
Do I have to pay to sign up as a creator?
Signing up as a creator is completely free. When someone subscribes...
I want to be able to see R-18 posts
To be able to see R-18 content, go to Account settings > Browsing s...
What items and transactions are prohibited under the Terms of Use?
On this service, we recognize that we have a responsibility to soci...
For Creators
Why did my payout fail?
If your transfer history displays "Payout failed", this may be due ...
How can creators receive Pledges?
Your pledges will be displayed as soon as you are supported, and th...
Can I receive my payouts at any time?
Yes, you can receive your payouts anytime by requesting an Early Pa...
How much is the handling fees?
10% of your total pledges are taken as handling fees. The transfe...
How do I build a Creator's page?
From this page you can register as a creator. There is no screening...
About account suspensions and temporary suspensions
If the management team deems that a Creator is violating the Terms ...
For FANs
How long does the support period last?
The period of support is the day you start supporting until the las...
Is a supporter's personal information communicated to the creator?
When you start supporting a creator, the creator will be notified o...
I cannot change my plan and "Your payment is currently being processed" is being shown
We handle payment processing between the 1st and the 5th of every m...
I can't register a credit card
If you can't register a credit, please try the following: 1. Please...
How do I delete or change the PayPal account I have registered as a payment method?
Please follow the procedure below to delete or change the info for ...
I can't login to the account I'm supporting with
If you can't remember the e-mail, ID, or password of the account yo...
About tax reports and taxation
所得税の確定申告とは、1月1日から12月31日までの1年間の所得にかかる税金を自身で計算し、申告・納税する手続きのことです。 会社員な...
クリエイターの場合は、主に以下のケースに当てはまる人が対象となります。 フリーランス(個人事業主)として働いていて年間48万円以上の...
売上から経費を引いた金額(所得)が年20万円以下であれば確定申告は不要です。 ただし、住民税申告は必要になるケースもあるので注意しまし...
まず、確定申告をしなかったこと(無申告)に対するペナルティとして、本来納付すべき税額(本税)に加え「無申告加算税」が課されます。 また...
確定申告は以下の手順で行います。 (1)確定申告書のほか、所得が分かるものや領収書などを準備 (2)集めた書類を元に必要事項を記入・...
課税事業者はインボイス発行事業者登録をすることが可能です。 2期前の事業年度の課税売上高が1,000万円を超える場合、課税事業者となり...
インボイス発行事業者は以下が可能となります。 FANBOXに支払った手数料のインボイス発行 サービス手数料 クリエイターが集めた支...
クリエイター自身がインボイス発行事業者か否かによって、対応が異なります。 クリエイターがインボイス発行事業者ではない場合 支援者にイン...
FANBOXのプラン金額については、総額表示の設定のみが可能であり、インボイス制度の開始後も金額の表示設定について変更はありません。 ...
I made an account using my Apple ID, but I can't reset my login/password
If you made a pixiv account with your AppleID, you can log in using...
I can't reset my login/password for my registered e-mail address
If you can't reset your login/password to the e-mail address you re...
The person I'm trying to message has a different nickname
Messaging on FANBOX uses pixiv's messaging feature, reflecting the ...
I want to report somebody
If you find somebody violating the Terms of Use or guidelines, plea...
How can I change my e-mail address?
Your e-mail address can be changed from the Account Settings page o...
Issues with other users
We ask that you try to resolve any issues you might have with other...