Your support will stop if a creator deletes the plan you're supporting them with.Please consider supporting with another plan.
If a plan is deleted or changed in the same month:
- You can change to a plan at the same price or lower-priced, and there will be no additional charges.
- You can change to a more expensive plan, but you will need to pay the difference in price between the plans.
*If you are paying the difference in amounts at the convenience store, regardless of the difference you will be charged 120 JPY per creator as a handling fee.
Furthermore, you can view Supporters only posts that were available until the end of the month the plan is deleted.
Please understand that you won't be able to view them as of the following month.
If you have already paid for future months through convenience store payment, we will refund the following months' amount, regardless of the amount.
The refunded amount will be transferred to the indicated bank account after the following month.We will contact you on how to transfer your refund.If we do not contact you when the plan you're supporting is deleted, please contact us.