About after billing
How do I change payment method?
You can change your payment method by clicking "Supported creators"...
I cannot change my plan and "Your payment is currently being processed" is being shown
We handle payment processing between the 1st and the 5th of every m...
When do I get charged for pledges if I start supporting a creator in the middle of the month?
You will be charged on the day you start supporting a creator, and ...
What happens if an error occurred during automatic payment?
Pledges on pixivFANBOX apply for one calendar month (from the 1st t...
I accidentally started supporting a creator, can I receive a refund?
We cannot cancel or return a pledge that has been paid. Please chec...
Can I receive a refund if I stop supporting in the middle of the month?
We're sorry, but regardless of your payment method, we won't offer ...
How do I change/delete credit card's information?
You can change or delete your credit card information using the fol...
How will I be charged if I resubscribe to a creator in the same month?
After you've stopped supporting a creator, you will not be charged ...
What will happen if I change to a different plan for a creator I'm supporting?
If you change your plan to a more expensive plan from the same crea...
How do I delete or change the PayPal account I have registered as a payment method?
Please follow the procedure below to delete or change the info for ...
Will I still be charged even if the creator doesn't make a single FANs-only post?
Yes, you will be charged every month regardless of whether or not t...
What happens if a creator brings back the plan that they deleted?
After a plan you are supporting is deleted, if the creator creates ...